Best Power Technology FERRUPS - Communication Port Pinouts ---------------------------------------------------------- FERRUPS DB-25F Pin Description ----- --------------------------------------------------- 13 <-- Common "Inverter ON" signal contact 25 <----- Contact opens on "Alarm" 12 <-- Contact closes when "Inverter On" 24 <----- Common "Alarm" signal contact 11 <-- Contact opens when "Inverter On" 23 <----- Contact closes on "Alarm" 10 <-- Humidty sensor option signal (FD and RD models only) 22 <----- Humidty sensor option signal return 9 <-- n/c 21 <----- Remote emergency power off 8 <-- n/c 20 <----- AS/400 option 7 <-- signal ground (RS232) 19 <----- n/c 6 <-- +12V level 18 <----- +12V level 5 <-- n/c 17 <----- n/c 4 <-- n/c 16 <----- n/c 3 <-- receive data (RS232) 15 <----- n/c 2 <-- transmit data (RS232 14 <----- 12V, 0.5 amp 1 <-- n/c The "Alarm Signal Contacts" are relay contacts (rated at 25 V AC/DC and 250mA) that change state upon any alarm condition. Contacts that close on an alarm or when the UPS is turned off are available between pins 23 and 24. Contacts that open on an alarm or when the UPS is turned off are available between pins 24 and 25. The "Inverter On Signal Contacts" are relay contacts (rated at 25 V AC/DC and 250mA) that change state when the inverter turns on. Contacts that close on inverter operation are available between pins 12 and 13. Contacts that open on inverter operation are available between pins 11 and 13. The "Remote Emergency Power Off" trigger is actuated by closing a circuit between pins 6 and 21. This will force the UPS to SystemModeOff. The "RS232 Communications Port" connections are found on Pin 7 (signal ground), Pin 3 (receive data), and Pin 2 (transmit data). This port is configured as DCE operating at 1200 baud (selectable 300, 1200, 4800, or 9600). Data is formated in 8 bit ASCII; 1 stop bit; full duplex; no parity. This interface supports XON/XOFF. Hardware handshaking is not supported. Refer to TIP501 for information regarding the FERRUPS User Interface Command Language. FERRUPS Cable connections to a computer or terminal: ---------------------------------------------------- Computer FERRUPS DB-9 DB25 DCE DCE -------- ------- RD 3 <------------------------> 2 TD 2 <------------------------> 3 SG 5 <------------------------> 7 GND 1 <-----\ DCD 4 <-----| DTR 6 <-----/ RTS 7 <-----\ CTS 8 <-----/ ---------------------------------------------------- Computer FERRUPS DB-25 DB25 DTE DCE -------- ------- TD 2 <------------------------> 2 RD 3 <------------------------> 3 SG 7 <------------------------> 7 RTS 4 <-----\ CTS 5 <-----/ DSR 6 <-----\ DCD 8 <-----| DTR 20 <----/ ---------------------------------------------------- Modem FERRUPS DB-25 DB25 DCE DCE -------- ------- RD 3 <------------------------> 2 TD 2 <------------------------> 3 SG 7 <------------------------> 7 RTS 4 <-----\ CTS 5 <-----/